
Create a reusable package

Source code for this tutorial can be found in examples/shared-package

In this tutorial we will create a package DemoPackage which exports the following items when linked to project:

├── Assets/
│   └── DemoPackage/
│       └── Scenes/
└── Plugins/
    └── DemoPackage/

Step 1: Create app and demo-package project

Run the following commands to create the projects:

$ upkit create-package app
$ upkit create-package demo-package

You will notice the following structure each generated project:

├── assets/         -> project Assets content
├── packages/       -> Unity 2018 packages folder
├── plugins/        -> project Plugins content
├── project/        -> the generated project
├── settings/       -> project settings 
├── linkspec.yaml   -> package linkspec
├── package.nuspec  -> predefined Nuspec file, if you want to build to a Nuget package
└── upkit.yaml      -> link configuration

Note we also use create app using create-package command, as it can also be shared to another project.

Step 2: Build demo-package

Let’s assume that demo-package has a few scripts and a demo scene as an example to its users. Create the following folders in demo-packages:

• (demo-package)
├── assets/ 
│   └── Scenes/
└── plugins/
    └── DemoPackage/

Then link it

$ cd demo-package && upkit link

Open demo-package/project in Unity, you will see the project structure as:

Project structure

Add a scene to the Assets/Scenes and create something fancy under Assets/Plugins/DemoPackage.

Step 3: Update demo-package linkspec

The next step is to edit the package linkspec so that others can use it. The default generated linkspec.yaml would suffice in most cases, we want to modify it so that the package demo Scenes will be linked under DemoPackage/Scenes the target project to avoid name conflicts.

Open demo-package/linkspec.yaml and modify its first link target from target: '{{__assets__}}' to target: '{{__assets__}}/DemoPackage'.

Repackage an existing Unity package

Work in progress